Terra L. Fletcher, values-driven marketing strategist and speaker

WWA Fall Conf Review

Wisconsin Writers’ Association Fall Conference Review

The conference at Hotel Mead in Wisconsin Rapids began on Friday the 27th of September and continued on through Sunday. Friday night featured poetry and prose roundtables. Saturday was packed full of classes for writers. Everything was covered; from nonfiction to screenwriting, from perfecting your script to social media. Saturday night was the Jade Ring Banquet and Sunday wrapped up the weekend.

How to Write that Script

Chantelle Aimee Osman (A Twist of Karma) encouraged writers of all genres to start with a tagline or logline to roadmap their piece. She reminded writers that characters talk to each other, not the audience. Her tips also included practical tips for formatting your script properly.

The Perfect Pitch

Osman’s class on pitches was high on practical application. She reminded authors to find a reputable agent to stay out of the slush pile. Practice your pitch, but stay flexible and spontaneous.

Nonfiction Book Proposals

Sara Phillips (Wisconsin Historical Society Press) had a useful outline for nonfiction book proposals. (She surely motivated me to think in new terms when it comes to my forthcoming publication.) Phillips encouraged writers to research what hasn’t been done on their topic and highlight how their work is different.

Book Fair and Booths

Published authors displayed their goods throughout the conference. Because the best writers are avid readers, many sales were made over the weekend. Some exhibitors were Stoneboat, Sally Bair, and many more.

Make a Life and Living

Miranda Paul (children’s author) was one of the day’s best speakers. Her passion truly comes through when she speaks. Paul gave writers a well rounded perspective on the hard work, dreams, and drive necessary to make it when “91% of people are ‘writing’ a book.”

Present a Professional Image, Get Found Online, and Gain Readers for Life!

Terra L. Fletcher (Fletcher Consulting) encouraged writers to think of what they do as a business. She shared basic marketing principles authors need to grow their audience, position themselves appropriately, and continue conversations. Participants left with a dammit list and a calendar with at least one big X on it.

Enjoy these pictures from the weekend and we hope to see you at the next WWA conference!

Visit WWA’s website and sign up for the newsletter.

Save the Date! Spring Lakefly Literary Conference is May 9, 10 2014!

*Schedule Fletcher to speak at your event. Call (715) 584-6773.

Terra L. Fletcher
Terra L. Fletcher is the marketing speaker, author, and Fractional CMO who talks about communication, branding, and marketing (everything from thought leadership to social media management, personal branding, and marketing for talent attraction). She is the founder of Fletcher Consulting and the author of three books, including "Flex Your Communication: 47 Tips for Every Day Success at Work," "Flex the Freelance: An Unconventional Guide to Quit Your Day Job," and the soon-to-be-released “Flex Your Marketing.” As a business builder since 2007, Terra’s strategies have benefited individuals, nonprofits, and public and private companies. When she’s not busy speaking or writing, you can find Terra painting, kayaking, or studying ads.
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