*Please don’t misconstrue my optimism and choice to look at the pros as insensitivity to the negative. I personally am aware of the cons of Covid, I’m just not talking about them right now. Today, I’m choosing to look at the pros because we all need good news.
Better Use of Technology
Sure, video conference technology has been around for a long time, but we haven’t been using it as we should! Using technology has enabled me to connect with people in more diverse locations more regularly. I’ve met with people from Wisconsin, Illinois, Arizona, New York, Massachusetts, and even internationally!
I think video meetings are here to stay! At first, I was annoyed that what would have previously been a phone call was now a video call. But seeing faces is so valuable! We all focus better on a video call because we’re accountable, they can see us. It’s harder to multitask undetected. Instead, we’re doing one thing at a time, definitely a win!
Yes, I look forward to some of my meetings being resumed in person, but because massive numbers of people have been forced to learn Teams and Zoom, they now see it is possible to meet electronically and still be highly productive. My attitude has changed, too!
Early this year I was meeting with a client to discuss facilitation training. I said it could not be done online because there was too much that couldn’t be translated for that environment. Well, soon we had no option but to move this training online. One of the biggest benefits is that all 26,000 of their employees around the globe now can attend the same training! That could not have been possible if I didn’t flex and move my training online.
Less Time in the Car
I live in a small town. Only three of my current clients are local, the rest I had to travel to. Now I’m saving time, gas money, and wear and tear on my vehicle. Plus, I’m reducing my risk of traffic incidents!
Before this, the only clients I hadn’t met in person were across the country or international. Now, I have a client 35 miles away who I haven’t met in person! Though I hope to meet in person when it is safe to do so, it’s nice to not be driving to weekly meetings.
My car is also ready for fun at a moment’s notice. Instead of having to look professional and be ready for multiple passengers on a regular basis, the back seats are down, and it is stocked for fun! The back of my vehicle has everything I need to go to the beach, practice archery or soccer, or watch my son skateboard. I’ve got a camp chair, beach blanket, water bowl for the dog, and sunscreen at the ready.
More Time Spent Outside
I have spent more time outside than I usually do in the short Wisconsin summer. I’m fully enjoying my favorite season! I walk twice each day. I eat my breakfast, lunch, and dinner outside whenever the weather allows. The vitamin D lunch break is my favorite! I’m also more tan than I’ve been since I was a teenager! (Don’t tell the skin doctor.)
All the time outside has helped me appreciate how beautiful my area is. The same teenager who loved to lay on the beach with a book and work on her tan also thought she wanted to get out of this small town. Now I truly appreciate that I’m five minutes from the river, ten from the lake, and the same for cross-country trails that are perfect for hiking. There is plenty to do right here.
More Time with Family
I started my entrepreneurial journey primarily to be home with my son. He and I have been home since March. We love and appreciate our time together. I get to eat three meals a day with my child. I take breaks from work to do puzzles, play transformers, or color the sidewalk with chalk.
We’ve been doing more beach trips, canoeing, kayaking, and swimming than ever! We’re at 30 trips this summer and counting! We’re discovering new waterways and getting strong while breathing fresh air. My boy went tubing through Wolf River rapids last weekend. At first, he was scared. Then, he was exhilarated. We’re stretching our comfort zones, pushing through fears, and having fun! Life is good!
Reminded to be Grateful
Today I am reminded to be grateful. Early on in this pandemic, I cried over my loss of speaking gigs and my canceled vacations. I quickly realized how privileged I am. Friends of my sister (in Panama) had a hard time getting enough food. My friend posted a picture of her mask-marred face (in New York) which only hinted at the emotional anguish she felt working at a hospital in the epicenter of a pandemic. A friend (in Wisconsin) was unable to have a funeral for his mother or be personally comforted in a time of grief and loss. I had to drive by and wave to my friend who was leaving for a kidney transplant in Minnesota without giving her a hug. I know there are others who have it worse. There are people who are sick, people who have lost loved ones.
Today I am grateful. I have enough to eat. I have a safe home. I have a healthy and loving family. Today I choose to look at the pros. I hope you will too. May your gratitude move you to say thanks. May it move you to give back where you can. Choose to focus on the good.