Terra L. Fletcher, values-driven marketing strategist and speaker

Terra to Hold Special Session with Writers in Milwaukee

terra l fletcher how to write an outlineSaturday April 23, 2016 Terra L. Fletcher will be teaching the following social media for writers workshop at Red Oak Writing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Social Media Demystified: A Workshop for Writers

Does social media work for writers? Terra will dispel common misconceptions while sharing industry best practices. Extend your influence by leveraging Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and other social media. Terra will let you in on the latest trends in the ever-changing world of social media. Learn to cultivate online relationships that can lead to strong networks of writers, fans, and advocates. Learn how the rules for writing online differ from writing for print. Discover how to present a professional, consistent, and effective image that speaks to your online audience.

April 23, 2016

(Registration Deadline: Mon, Feb 15)

 9:30 am – noon

Red Oak Writing ~ Marian Center for NonProfits #205

3195 S Superior St, Milwaukee


$25 (students & current Roundtable participants)

Visit http://redoakwriting.com/for-adults/saturday-writing-workshops/social-media-demystified-a-workshop-for-writers/ for registration information.

About Red Oak

Red Oak Writing offers programming for writers of all levels of ability and experience.

We recognize that the definition of writing “success” is different for each writer who comes through our door. From the aspiring novelist who wants to see her name on the cover of a book to the poet who wants to be published in a literary journal to the grandfather who wants to create a memoir for future generations, we take our writers where they are and help give them the tools to make their writing dreams come true.

Through Roundtable critique groups, craft workshops, author readings and Creative Writing Camps for young people, Red Oak creates a supportive community of writers who have the same goal: to improve their writing and help others to do the same.

Our Background…

Red Oak Writing is the offspring of Redbird Studio, which was founded by renowned writer/coach Judy Bridges. Over the past twenty years, Redbird Studio has helped thousands of writers find their voice through classes, workshops and roundtables. Judy continues to teach  Shut Up & Write! as well as offer writers’ retreats throughout Wisconsin and beyond.

About Terra

Terra L. Fletcher, owner and founder of Fletcher Consulting, has nearly a decade of experience in business development and marketing consultancy. She has presented 100 workshops, panels, and classes on marketing, communication, and social media. Terra’s business, community, and personal growth strategies have benefited individuals, nonprofits, public and private businesses, chambers of commerce, and higher education. Fletcher is an adjunct professor at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, has partnered with the University of Wisconsin Green Bay, and was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year by the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce in 2012. Terra has been called upon to teach at the National Association of Tax Professionals, the American Counseling Association, Georgia Pacific, and the Wisconsin Writers Association.

Terra L. Fletcher
Terra L. Fletcher is the marketing speaker, author, and Fractional CMO who talks about communication, branding, and marketing (everything from thought leadership to social media management, personal branding, and marketing for talent attraction). She is the founder of Fletcher Consulting and the author of three books, including "Flex Your Communication: 47 Tips for Every Day Success at Work," "Flex the Freelance: An Unconventional Guide to Quit Your Day Job," and the soon-to-be-released “Flex Your Marketing.” As a business builder since 2007, Terra’s strategies have benefited individuals, nonprofits, and public and private companies. When she’s not busy speaking or writing, you can find Terra painting, kayaking, or studying ads.
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