Are you finding that you have a little more time lately? Maybe you’re not commuting or traveling as you would be usually. What can you do with your time? Invest in yourself.
The knowledge and skills you possess will not be taken away from you. If you have extra time or money, invest in keeping yourself employable and marketable. The higher your knowledge and skills, the higher your potential income. Diversify your skills so that if one opportunity crashes, you can lean on another skill set.
During the coronavirus outbreak, my public speaking was put on hold. I lost $1000s in canceled speaking gigs. Having the skills to take my training virtual, saved me. As did my marketing consultancy and writing. People with diverse skillsets weather storms better. You can flex and do your work in a new way if your industry unexpectedly topples.
Don’t overlook your own personality and attitude. No one likes a brilliant jerk. Be a good person, not just a smart one. How well do you work with others? What are your negotiation skills? Work on areas that will make you easier to work with.
Network. When times are slow or cash flow is solid, take any extra time you have and invest it in your relationships. Who you know will always be crucial to business success. Cut out negativity and surround yourself with people who have similar goals. Your circle should challenge, encourage, and believe in you.
Eliminate any head trash that is getting in your way. What barriers are between you and your future success? Invest in yourself by breaking down those barriers. Concerned that your lack of sales skills is holding you back? Attend a sales seminar. Lacking confidence? Get a coach. Read a book.
How have you invested in yourself? Please share in the comments below or email terra (at) fletcherconsulting (dot) com.